Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello, 2011

It has been a while since I have made a post on this lovely blog, and in the few short months of my absence there has been so much excitement and change. In 26 days, it will be one year since my best friend also became my husband. I really don't think that we have had one single fight. and in this coming year we plan on finding land or a house to BUY. I am stoked. and feel so blessed. I have an amazing mom-in-law who has allowed us to live with her to get some debts paid off (we paid for all of our wedding...) and get a small savings started. She isn't expecting us to leave by any means and would like us to stay as long as we need, but I don't want to become a burden. We also have been considering starting our own little family about a year after we have a house. once we really figure out what all can go to savings. Savings is huge to me. I always need something to fall back on. even if its $10 a month, it would be so worth it to me. Also, for 2011, I am wanting for K and I to go somewhere. take a real vacation. ive never been on one. i want to go snowboarding, or to the beach, or take a cruise... anything where i can relax by a fire, or get a massage on the beach.. i wont be to picky ;)
in all of the crazy, that was the end of the year for work... I was so blessed yet again. I was offered a promotion to be team lead :) since then I have been very busy. Doing all kinds of planning for first quarter and getting alot of things re-organized.
This Christmas was also probably my favorite yet. I love ALL of Kyles family. some, yes, can be more annoying than others... its like that in every family. but i can say that i really hated having to leave. they are amazing

i need to make some changes for this little blog. give it some love. its a new year, and it needs a new look.
also, hopefully i can post again sometime sooner than my last



Unknown said...

I'm right there with ya...I just got my computer back out!

Yay for exciting new things to start off the year!

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